Chaotischer Catalysator Stipendien

"Robots as Allies Against Sexism in Human-Robot Groups"

Titel: Robots as Allies Against Sexism in Human-Robot Groups
Untertitel: Can robots countering sexist comments by male-read group members emotionally support and empower female-read group members?
Fachbereich: Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Chair Individual and Technology
Studiengang: Computational Social Systems
Geschrieben von: Sarah Gosten

Vollständige Arbeit als PDF zum Download


In a society where gender biases persist, technological advancements are not immune to perpetuating existing prejudices against women. While initial research was able to show the potential of social robots to counter gender stereotypes, this study seeks to investigate their role in addressing sexist remarks within group settings. Using a mixed methods laboratory approach, the study examined how people react when the social robot Pepper intervenes in sexist encounters. Participants (N = 68) engaged in a game scenario where a sexist comment was uttered, prompting Pepper to intervene in one of three ways: 1. avoidant, 2. argumentative, or 3. morally judgmental. Participants were assigned roles as either the target of the comment or the bystander. Results revealed that exposure to sexist remarks elicited negative emotions among participants. Participants who were the target of the sexist comment rated the sexist confederate significantly worse than both the robot and the bystander. This demonstrates that actively engaging in group conflicts and intervening may enhance individuals’ perceptions of Pepper’s suitability as a team member, potentially reaching human ratings.

Furthermore, the study found that an avoidant response from Pepper may not effectively address the sexist nature of the comment, while a confrontational approach showed promise. There are tendencies that the morally judgmental response risks escalating conflicts. Further research is necessary to verify these findings.

In conclusion, this study demonstrates the potential of social robots to intervene in sexist encounters and prompt reflection on individual reactions. These findings underscore the importance of exploring innovative approaches to interventions in interpersonal interactions through morally competent robots
